During rainy reason, Uplift team visited several communities
and schools for conducting surveys and assessments. Then the team moved on to
schools and communities need analysis according to their surveys. After this
process, we selected schools and communities which we aimed to work for 2015-2016
projects. The following activities will explain what the Uplift team has done
after rainy season.
Natural Farming and Basic gardening training
In September 15 2015, uplift team delivered basic natural
garden training to the 75 students who are currently studying at Teacher
Preparation Center (TPC). The presentation sections were allocated between the
team members that each UPlift member was responsible for delivering certain
topic. The training included basic
knowledge of ecosystems and agriculture, soil management, natural farming (use
of Indigenous Microorganisms (IMOs) without chemical fertilizers) versus
chemical fertilizer farming and the compost making. Once the theory part
of training concluded, we made 3 different IMOs and some traditional Insect
repellents. After this stage, we left the responsibility of garden care to the
TPC students—broken into 6 groups each responsible for their represented area
in the future. Many were able to draw direct links to how these methods could
be used in the Myanmar village as well as sharing these skills to their
friends, families, villagers inside Myanmar. Finally, we were very pleased with
the outcomes of trainings and will continue to work towards improving our
training with even more efficiency in the future with these students.
UPLift team delivering NF basic Gardening training at TPC school |
TPC students brainstorming different garden layouts |
TPC students making local indigenous microorganisms (IMOs) |
Natural School Garden
At the end of month
September 2015, we chose to work with three Migrant learning centers such as
Ah Yone Thit, Ah Yone Oo, and Sauchkha Hong Sar in order to provide natural
garden techniques and add more nutritional meals to these children. In October,
we began working with a school called Ah Yone Oo (AYO), which has over 130 migrant students. According to the follow-up by
our agriculture officer, Sai Aung, teachers and students are eager to learn
more about natural gardening methods. There were 20 students and two teachers
who joined the garden training at AYO. The training included different sections
such as basic knowledge of ecosystems and agriculture, soil management, Natural
Farming (use of natural micro-organisms (IMO) without chemical fertilizers)
versus chemical fertilizer farming and compost making by using natural
resources and waste from school kitchen. In additional to that, the UPlift team
shared on how to set up different planting crop layouts, such as
container/recycled bottle gardening, sack gardening, vertical gardening, raised
beds or traditional mounds and circle beds. On the second day of the training,
KLDF team and students together made 2 raised beds together. At the end of October,
AYO teachers and students made another 6 raised beds. Each week our Agriculture
officer does follow-ups with AYO garden. In the month of November 2015, we plan
to work another two schools for garden training and setting up garden at the
each school.
Ah Yone Oo students making bamboo raised beds gardening |
AYO students filling green&dry materials into the raised beds |
AYO students making raised beds gardening |
Previous school gardens
In addition to that, the team also visited our
previous school gardens and provided additional supports to them. The team did
some follow up and provided mini-training to our previous schools such as how
to make natural insect repellent, and a guide to making compost at school. Most
of our previous schools are still running their garden such as Elpis, Minmahaw,
New Wave, Sophia, Parami, Hway Ka Loke and TPC school.
Parami School Garden |
Min Ma Haw School Garden |
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TPC School Garden |
During rainy season, the team visited and did
follow-up with previous school chicken projects (Love and Care, Hway Ka Loke,
Ah Yone Oo). According to follow-up by our agriculture
officer, Sai Aung, these schools were still running the projects with a good
egg laying egg rate. Each school had 20
egg’s laying chicken and they could collect at least 15 eggs a day. In fact,
they had positive impact from this project. When we interviewed a headmaster
from Ah Yone Oo, he explained that “The eggs that we got from this project were
very helpful for our school as well as for our children, some of them we ate
and some we sold in order to save budget for next round of feeds for chicken”. Additionally,
at the beginning of September, the team chose another 3 schools to expand this
successful chicken project. These new schools were Elpic, Rocky Mountain 2, and
Oversee Irrawaddy Association (OIA) School.
With these new schools, we planned to deliver the Natural Farming
Chicken Rearing (NFCR) training and setting up chicken coops in November 2015.
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Ag Officer Sai getting eggs survey from AYO school |
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HKL chicken project collecting eggs |
Love & Care egg laying chicken enjoying |
Financial Literacy Training (FL)
During the rainy season, the team conducted
community’s surveys in order to find the representative community to work in
2015 and 2016. We visited several communities and met with women and community
leaders such as Gate 14, Gate 17, Ban Soung Kwal, Bangladesh community, and Wan
Sa Kim community. According to our survey results and community analysis, In
October, we chose two communities to deliver Financial Literacy training such
as Ban Soung Kwal and Gate 14 community where most of the women are
undocumented and unable to work outside of the community. During the second
week of November 2015, the team will deliver FL training to 20 women in Ban
Soung Kwal community. For the Gate 14 community, the team will collaborate with
24 Wide Horizons students which will be in the month of January 2016. Last
month, Moe Thu interviewed several more Ban Soung Kwal migrant women about
their daily life, possible business ideas, and experience with household
saving, household budgeting, and cultural/ethnic art, skill training interests
which can help us tailor and plan a future FL Training for the women.
Small Business
In the rainy season, we started working with FL women
from Ka Pi Ban community for small business. We worked with four women who attended
our financial literacy training which was given by wide horizon students early
2015. These women initiated different kinds of business such as laundry service,
trading dry goods, trading dry fish and lunch meal box service for migrant
workers. After 3 months later, they returned their loan back to KLDF. In
addition to that we went to the previous small business communities and
followed up for their current business situation.
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Lunch box service SBD member getting materials from UPLift |
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UPLift team meeting with previous SBD member |
UPlift team meeting with women at BSK community |
Future target group
Beside above all project activities, UPLift also looked
for another target group where we can implement our idea that could improve
community member a long Thai-Myanmar as well as inside Myanmar. During rainy
season we contacted several organizations, which worked inside Myanmar in order
to get community information. We are planning to do community survey on
December and implement some of our trainings at represented communities.